24 Inch on Center Wall Framing - If you're building a home and you
want to cut costs just a little bit further, you can always frame all of
your interior non-bearing walls 24 inches on center. You cannot however
use this for your exterior or bearing walls. I would suggest that you
check with your local building department, before you frame any of your
walls 24 inches on center.
up Framing Headers - The header is the framing support that holds up
the floor or roof above it. Normally the window or door header will be
the thickness of the wall width. If the wall is 2 x 6, the header is
going to be 5 1/2 inches wide or the same thickness as the width of the
2 x 6 wall.
The Truth about Contractor Referral Directories - Here's a question
that every homeowner asked themselves at least once. Where can I find a
dependable contractor? When I was a child you would look through the
yellow pages or start asking around the neighborhood, until you found
someone that could work on your home.
Truss Roof Repairs - Home Framing Advice - It's not common to find
damaged roof trusses when building a new house, but every once in a
while you will run into a problem where a truss has been damaged or even
destroyed. This could hold up the final buildings completion date if not
taken care of, immediately.
Important Is It to Have the Right Window and Door Sizes? - Framing
layout is one of the most important parts in new home construction. Not
only will the doors and windows affect the positioning of stud
placement, but plumbing and electrical fixtures will also play a big
part in where those studs will be placed.